Here are several brief examples that illustrate how the services provided by G-Logics have successfully and efficiently assisted our clients. If you would like more information about how our specific qualifications and capabilities can help with your project, please feel free to contact us at your convenience.
G-Logics completed Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments for a property within the Cedar Falls Watershed. This property is occupied by the Watershed’s headquarter offices and maintenance facilities. Site assessments were conducted prior to construction of expanded headquarter and maintenance buildings. The findings of these assessments will be used by the City of Seattle to support their development plans. Based on the results of our Phase I assessment, Phase II exploration work was conducted, performed concurrently with geotechnical and archaeological explorations. This combined effort reduced exploration costs for our client and allowed for collected information to be shared among the different professionals.
For a large aggregate and concrete company, G-Logics performed Environmental Site Assessments, Subsurface Soil Explorations, and Groundwater Sampling at numerous properties. Most of these assessments were conducted prior to acquisition of other similar companies and their real-estate assets. These properties were located throughout Washington and Oregon. Environmental concerns were identified due to observed land-filling areas, the presence of fuel and oil-storage tanks, and contamination associated with use areas. Recommendations were made for cleanup and the proper management of hazardous materials. Due to the age of many on-site structures, G-Logics also noted the possible presence of asbestos-containing materials.
G-Logics was contacted when contaminated soils were discovered during the mass-excavation work at a large property-development project. Previous geotechnical and environmental explorations at the property had failed to recognize that large quantities of undocumented fill were present. Specifically, the conducted explorations did not identify large areas of petroleum, naphthalene, and creosote contaminants. G-Logics worked with the project developer and excavation contractor to segregate uncontaminated from contaminated soils, thereby saving our client significant soil-disposal costs. During this work, numerous heating-oil tanks, demolition debris, and asbestos-roofing materials also were found within the fill soils, which also were properly segregated and disposed.
G-Logics was retained by a local University to provide property-remediation support for a planned student-housing project. Historical uses on the property included a dry cleaner, carpet cleaner, dye works, metal-electroplating facility, residences, and an automobile-salvage yard. These uses resulted in extensive areas of subsurface contamination. Soils removed from the development excavation were segregated and appropriately disposed of depending upon concentration and type of contaminant. Soils that contained contaminants, but at concentrations less than cleanup levels, were reused as backfill materials, thereby saving the client significant soil-disposal costs.
With construction of the building, G-Logics designed subslab treatment and ventilation piping, which were installed beneath the new building foundation for possible future use. Upon occupancy of the building, vapor-mitigation systems were installed and activated. Field measurements, observations, and analytical data indicate the systems were operating and performing as expected, appropriately addressing possible vapor-intrusion risks.
G-Logics was retained by an owner of a fish-processing facility to assess and remediate contaminated areas that had been identified by a prospective purchaser. For this effort, several rounds of site exploration and remedial work were conducted. All work was described in workplans and reports which were reviewed by the owner and purchaser, the purchaser’s consultant, and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC).
With the completed interim actions and subsequent remedial work, confirmation samples indicated the total removal of site contaminants in all areas but two. In one building-interior area, residual petroleum-contaminated soils were covered with sand to reduce the potential for direct contact. In the former refuse-burning area, where residual concentrations of dioxin remained, a soil and fabric cap was designed to reduce exposures to residual contaminants. Procedures also were instituted to further reduce the potential for site contamination, specifically drip-capture and contaminant systems in the area of the refrigeration/compressor systems.
With the completed work by G-Logics, the purchaser bought the property and used the facility to process salmon. Institutional Controls (ICs) were granted for the two capped areas and the ADEC granted a No Further Action determination for the property.
The City of Everett (the City) upgraded the storm-sewer line along Everett Avenue, Federal Avenue, and Terminal Avenue, commonly referred to as the Lift Station 2 Force Main (LS2FM). The upgrade required trenching within Everett Avenue, Federal Avenue, and Terminal Avenue. Due to the potential for petroleum impacts to soils and groundwater from an adjacent ExxonMobil/American Distributing Company (Exxon) site, the City and Exxon had agreed in advance regarding the responsibility for contaminated soil disposal resulting from the planned trenching work. G-Logics assisted the City of Everett with sampling and documentation for this project. This documentation allowed the City to recover incremental costs associated with project engineering, management, and soil disposal.
G-Logics reviewed the topographic changes over time for a former log-sorting yard located within the floodway and 100-year floodplain of the Snoqualmie River. The City was concerned that non-permitted filling of the property had diminished flood-storage capacity in this area. Our review included the comparison of stereo aerial photographs and elevation-contour mapping of the site. Significant quantities of fill materials were identified as being placed on the site for construction of the sort yard prior to 1978, with additional significant quantities of materials added between 1978 and at least 1990. Photogrammetric mapping was generated in an effort to provide quantitative evidence with reasonable scientific probability that excess fill material had been placed on the site. This information was provided to the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services for their review regarding filling-permit violations.
G-Logics was retained by a metal-finishing company to assist with their response to an Administrative Order and Notice of Penalty issued by the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology). After reviewing documents and pertinent sections of Washington’s Dangerous Waste Regulations, G-Logics identified several alleged violations that were incorrectly issued. Several other violations were easily corrected through properly labeling of tanks and properly identifying the waste-accumulation areas. Three larger issues, including tank integrity, training, and waste designation, were addressed through more comprehensive assistance. After reviewing testing requirements and the age of existing equipment, G-Logics identified that replacing equipment would address several violations and improve worker safety and equipment-maintenance issues. G-Logics provided technical assistance in addressing violations through improved operations, equipment, labeling, documentation, and expanded employee training.
G-Logics was retained by a food producer to assess contamination found in a liquid product. After production, the product was found to contain volatile organic compounds from an unknown source, rendering the product unsellable. G-Logics reviewed the chemical compounds detected in the product to investigate potential sources of the contamination. Based on this analysis, company-production practices were not implicated to be the cause of the contamination. Instead, interior paints applied to the product-storage tanks was determined to contain the contaminants that were detected. G-Logics reviewed paint-manufacturer documents and provided evidence to our client that the applied paint was inappropriate for storage of this food product. Additionally, the paint had been recommended by the paint manufacturer and the risk of product contamination was not disclosed.
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